Thursday, February 19, 2015 -
art crime conference,Bruges
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ART meets SECURITY conference 19 March 2015 in Bruges, Belgium
Visit the ART meets SECURITY website
- 08:30 Registration and breakfast
- 09:15 Opening the conference - Francis Van der Staey, Optimit
- 09:30 Drawing the canvas - Hubert De Witte, Musea Brugge
- 10:00 Could the biggest art crimes have been prevented? - Inge Vandijck, Optimit
- 10:30 Art crime in war and armed conflict - Lynda Albertson, ARCA
- 11:00 Morning break
- 11:30 The art of museum security: what everyone needs to understand to do art security right - Jens Bechmann, Pinkerton
- 12:00 Art crime, policing and investigation - TBA
- 12:30 Government indemnity vs. private insurance: the BOZAR case - TBA
- 13:00 Lunch
- 14:00 Predictive profiling of the art's adversary - Leen van der Plas, ArtSecure & Dick Drent, OMNIRISK
- 14:30 It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see: the art in video analytics - TBA
- 15:00 Trends and technologies in security: the voice of the customer - Megan Miller, Siemens
- 15:30 Afternoon break
- 16:00 Your chances to interrupt the adversary: a delicate balance in deterrence, delay, detection and response - Paul van Lerberghe, Optimit
- 16:30 Climate change: a global threat to art and cultural heritage - Guy De Witte, De Zilveren Passer
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