Monday, July 20, 2015 -
cultural ventures,Francesca Coccolo,Iraqi-Italian cooperation,new archaeological discoveries,Spring 2015 issue,the Journal of Art Crime,war threats
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Editorial Essay: Francesca Coccolo on "New Archaeological Discoveries and Cultural Ventures beyond War Threats: A Model of Excellence Stemming from Iraqi-Italian Cooperation" in the Spring 2015 issue of The Journal of Art Crime
In an editorial essay, Francesca Coccolo writes on "New Archaeological Discoveries and Cultural Ventures beyond War Threats: A Model of Excellence Stemming from Iraqi-Italian Cooperation" in the Spring 2015 issue of The Journal of Art Crime, edited by Noah Charney (with Marc Balcells and Christos Tsirogiannis) and published by ARCA:
The Italian Archaeological Mission to Assyria – Land of Nineveh Regional Project, one among four Italian projects concerning Iraqi cultural heritage, operates in the Northern Region of Iraqi Kurdistan – Governorate of Dohuk, few kilometres north from the Mosul dam and the ISIS occupied territories.1 The first significant achievements by the above mission, directed by the Associate Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology and Art History from the University of Udine Daniele Morandi Bonacossi, were presented last October at the University of Udine and last December during two international conferences held respectively in Turin and Florence, in the presence of both Iraqi and Kurdish governmental representatives.2
Following a proposal from UNESCO, The Land of Nineveh Project has been carried out since 2012 by the University of Udine in cooperation with the General Directorate of Antiquities of Dohuk and Erbil (KRG – Ministry of Municipalities and Tourism), the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) and the Institute for Technology Applied to Cultural Heritage of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). The ambitious Mission of the Project is made up of three closely intertwined approaches integrating scientific research, protection and enhancement of the cultural heritage of Iraqi Kurdistan and professional training for local archaeologists.
Consistently with the framework of a high-level cooperation established between the Iraqi and the Italian governments, the Rector of the University of Udine, Alberto Felice de Toni, underlined that the archaeological permit granted by the Central Authorities of Baghdad to the Archaeological Mission from Udine is one of the broadest ever to be obtained by a foreign mission operating on Iraqi territory. ...
Francesca Coccolo is a Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
graduate student. Her research interests space from national and
international law on cultural property to protection of artworks and antiquities during armed conflicts as well as illicit traffic
in the art market. While attending her MA program she was
granted an internship experience at Soprintendenza Speciale
per il Patrimonio Storico, Artistico ed Etnoantropologico e per
il Polo Museale della Città di Venezia (2012). She contributed
also to the setting-up project of the 55. International Art
Exhibition in the role of assistant registrar at Fondazione la
Biennale di Venezia (2013). In her upcoming thesis project
she examines the evolution over centuries of international
law regulating cultural restitution after armed conflicts with
a special focus on the international regulations and practices
which affected the restitution to Italy of the artworks displaced
immediately before and during WWII. In June and December
2014 she attended the Fourth and Fifth Provenance Research
Training Program (PRTP) workshops held respectively in
Athens and Rome by the European Shoah Legacy Istitute
(ESLI). In December 2014 she also had the opportunity to
attend an international conference in Florence on the Italian
contribution for the preservation and enhancement of the Iraqi
cultural heritage and to focus her enquiry on the activity of
Italian archaeological teams operating in the autonomous
Kurdish region.
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