Monday, February 22, 2016 -
antiquities looting,Blood Antiques,Egypt,Egyptian antiquities looting
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Second Sentry guard shot at incident at the Deir el-Bersha archaeological site has died
Egyptian news wires have reported that Ali Khalaf Shāker, (علي خلف شاكر), the second site guard protecting the Deir el-Bersha archaeological site, has apparently died on Sunday, February 21, 2016 of his injuries. Mr. Khalaf Shāker was shot during a gun battle with unidentified archaeological site looters along with his colleague and fellow guard A'srāwy Kāmel Jād.
Information in Arabic on this updated situation can be found here.
Respecting the loss to these two families and their archaeological teammates, ARCA has elected to not post pictures taken of the crime scene.
For further details on this incident in English please see our earlier two posts here and here.
The team of the Dayr al-Barsha project, KU Leuven, Belgium has established a Go Fund Me page for A'srāwy's and Ali's family, in order to cover, or partially cover some portion of the loss of his wages. Those who would like to contribute can follow this link.
For further details on this incident in English please see our earlier two posts here and here.
The team of the Dayr al-Barsha project, KU Leuven, Belgium has established a Go Fund Me page for A'srāwy's and Ali's family, in order to cover, or partially cover some portion of the loss of his wages. Those who would like to contribute can follow this link.
ARCA strongly discourages the purchase of antiquities without a solid collection history; this includes anything made of stone or pottery likely to be more than 100 years old. We urge collectors to buy the work of contemporary artisans using traditional methods and materials, and to not promote the trade in blood antiquities.
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