Tuesday, November 08, 2016 -
Auction Alert,Becchina archive,Bonhams,Christo Michaelides,Christos Tsirogiannis,James Chesterman,London,Medici Dossier,Robin Symes
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Bonhams Withdraws Suspect Antiquity from Auction
Bonhams has withdrawn the suspect antiquity that was identified by Greek forensic archaeologist and ARCA lecturer Christos Tsirogiannis on November 07, 2016. This (il)licit object had originally been set for auction on November 30, 2016 via the auction house's London division.
As mentioned in ARCA's earlier report this morning, the antefix is traceable to the confiscated Giacomo Medici archive, a twenty year old repository of dealer records and polaroids that document the trove of antiquities that at one point or another passed through the hands of Giacomo Medici, convicted in 2004 for selling thousands of stolen pieces of Greco-Roman art from Italy and the Mediterranean.
The withdrawal of the object comes with a short statement that reads "This lot has been withdrawn".
For details on Dr. Tsirogiannis' assessment of this antefix, please see ARCA's earlier report of his finding here.
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