Sunday, April 05, 2015 -
Bardo Museum,museum attack,museum security,tourism,Tunis
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Report from Tunisia: After the Massacre at the Bardo Museum, Women and Families show up to Show Support
Tunisia’s democratic transition has been wounded by the atrocious attack at the Bardo Museum last 18th of March. Under the machinegun fire of Qatiba Okba Ibn Nafâa, a terrorist cell linked to Al Qaeda in the Maghreb, 22 people died and more than 40 were injured.
Despite the claim of responsibility from the so called Islamic State, Tunisian authorities identified 21 individuals of Okba Ibn Nafâa split into four operative groups that carefully planned the operation (1). The role of the first group was to choose the target and make the necessary reconnaissance of the museum. The second group was responsible for the logistics, the provision of weapons, and explosives. The third group perpetrated the attack, while the fourth group taped and disseminated the images through the internet.
Families gathering in from of the museum (morning) |
The timing and venue were not casually chosen. The complex commonly called “the Bardo” bears a deep historic and symbolic value, as it was a palace of the Beys, the former rulers of the country. After Tunisia’s Independence, one wing was converted into a museum and the other wing turned into the Parliament, now the Assembly of the People's Representatives. The unique mosaic collection of the Bardo Museum – the largest in the world - contains mainly Roman art. In this context, the attack could be interpreted as a violent message against both democracy and any other form of non-Islamic culture.
Geologist Jallouli holding a sign saying "No to terrorism" "No fear, no panic, Tunisia is protected by its people" (morning) |
As a result of this murderous attack, the lead suspect of the cell and 46 terrorists (3) have been eliminated or arrested. Several heads of security in charge of the Bardo area, as well as six commanders of police and intelligence services have been dismissed.(4)
The Tuesday After
International media said the museum would open to the public on Tuesday 24th, but the few hundred people that showed up could only gather around the gate. Inside, an official opening ceremony was taking place. Security was tight, polite but tense. Under steady rain, men, women, and children gathered to show support. The feeling floating in the air was neither anger nor fear, but rather sadness.
I spoke to Geologist Kamal Jallouli, representative of the civil society at the National Parliament, who had been there a few hours before the attack. Emotionally touched, he told me about his childhood when he would spend Sundays exploring the museum’s collection with his parents. He praises the long, diverse history of the country and warns me that the investigation into the attack is still open. I knew that there would be many answers he could not provide, but I still asked the questions:
Q. Some international sources talk about the attack being initially directed at the Parliament but that ended up taking place in the museum. Nevertheless, it looked to me as if the venue was carefully selected. Do you think the attack was initially directed to the parliament?
-“No”, he answered shortly.
Q. In that case, one might infer that the terrorists were familiar with the museum, and must have visited it many times. Could they have been identified had the museum guards carried out effective surveillance?
-“I guess so”
Q. Is it plausible to think of an insider providing assistance?
-“I cannot answer that question”
Q. Do you think this type of attack could escalate into plundering Tunisia’s heritage sites?
Kamal Jallouli is confident that as we speak, security forces are being deployed to guard archeological sites, other museums and touristic spots. He doesn’t think that this incident is part of a larger plot.
Q. A few days before the attack, downtown Tunis looked heavily guarded: police checkpoints, dogs sniffing cars, hand bags being checked and several forces being deployed. So why, in such a “hot spot” was security so lax?
–“Because we Tunisians are candid, we have no tradition of violence”, he replies with a shy smile.
His answer is the most convincing one I have received so far.
Foreign demonstrators showing support (afternoon) |
In parallel, the deployment and weaponry of security forces was significantly heavier than in the early hours, but the ambiance was festive and police and army elements were friendly. Participants would smile and take proud pictures with police and military… certainly not the typical interaction between security forces and demonstrators.
Under the rain, music, dance, chants and cameras show how cultural heritage could be an effective tool to build peace. The feeling floating in the air was hope.
The Bardo attack had a triple target: it was an attack against democracy, against tourism and against culture. The Bardo Museum is not an exceptional example of how close, physically and symbolically, many museums are to power centers. Many other cities in the world could have been victims of such an attack, and this should send a warning to all cultural institutions: to be fully prepared for this and other types of catastrophes.
In recent years, we have witnessed how cultural heritage has been devastated due to political instability, religious fundamentalism, and armed conflicts; similar crimes, could be perpetrated in comparable places.
Operators should engage in an active preventive role, carrying out proper selection and training of staff and making sure that the risk to visitors, personnel or the collection is minimized. Museum security is a professional activity that should not be left to amateurs.
The accompanying photos were all taken by the author on March 24, 2015.
(1) Tunise - Attaque terroriste due Bardo: Le point sur l'enquête, in Tunisie Numérique, 25/03/2015, 11:44.
(2) Frida Dahmani. "Attentat du Bardo: l'musée de l'horreur", in Jeune Afrique, 24/03/2015, 8:28.
(3) Tunisie - Démantèlement de deux cellules terroristes impliquées dans l'attaque du Bardo, in Tunisie Numérique, 02/04/2015, 21:33
(4) "Attentat du Bardo: Le gouvernement Tunisien pass a l'offensive", in Jeune Afrique, 23/3/2015, 12: 35