Monday, September 18, 2017 -
ARCAblog,The Journal of Art Crime
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What's the difference between ARCA's Blog and the Association's Journal of Art Crime?
- The Journal of Art Crime articles are PDF, while ARCAblog posts are HTML, often with hyperlinks.
- The Journal of Art Crime articles usually have a title, abstract, introduction, methods, results (or description), discussion/conclusions, and references.
- ARCAblog posts are often simple discussion and conclusions and are frequently short-form. Blogposts are also designed to draw readers attention to current happenings in the field.
- ARCAblog posts might take an hour or two to write, whereas a Journal of Art Crime article might take weeks, months, or, if its a significant body of research, a year or more.
- ARCA Blog posts allow and invite reader comments. JAC papers are commented on via academic citation in other academic papers.
- The Journal of Art Crime articles are immutable once published, whereas ARCAblog posts can be updated after initial publication if new information is obtained.
- The Journal of Art Crime articles are archived by the publisher, whereas ARCAblog posts are hosted on Blogger which may be more ephemeral as blog posts are impermanent and can be deleted.
- The Journal of Art Crime is peer-reviewed, whereas ARCAblog posts are not.
Lastly the ARCABlog has been designed to be Open Access (OA) meaning ARCA gives readers free unrestricted online access to what it posts. ARCA's Journal of Art Crime is available by subscription for both digitial and print versions, as the act of publishing research has an intrinsic cost. Through subscription fees JAC subscribers help facilitate and promote global communication of academic research and discourse in the field of art crime.
Want to know more about the Journal of Art Crime?
The Journal of Art Crime has been published in print and digital format by the Association for Research into Crimes against Art since Spring 2009. Published twice per year during the Autumn and Spring, the JAC is edited by Noah Charney, Marc Balcells and Christos Tsirogiannis. Each issue contains a select mixture of peer-reviewed academic articles, regular columns, editorials, and book reviews from contributors actively involved within the art crime and heritage protection sectors.
More formal than the ARCAblog, the Journal of Art Crime seeks to identify emerging and under-examined trends related to art crime and to develop strategies that advocate for the responsible stewardship of our collective artistic and archaeological heritage.
Interested in Subscribing?
If you are interested in a personal or institutional subscription to the Journal of Art Crime please click on the sidebar "Contact Us" link and the ARCAblog editors will forward your request to our counterparts so that they can email you the costs in your area for institutional or personal print and eSubscriptions.
Interested in Becoming a Journal of Art Crime Contributor?
The Editorial Board of the Journal of Art Crime welcomes the submission of well researched articles for consideration. All submissions are expected to be appropriately annotated and referenced and should be submitted free from errors. JAC submission guidelines can be found here along with a listing of the Table of Contents and article titles for past issues.
General questions and inquiries about the Journal of Art Crime should be addressed to the JAC's editors.
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