Thursday, October 12, 2017 -
Anzio,Carabinieri Tutela Patrimonio Culturale,Italy,looted antiquities,recovered
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Recovered: Doric, Ionic, Corinthian....Stolen
Thirteen Roman-era marble columns, two pedestals, a funerary stele, architectural capitals, amphorae and vases have reportedly been recovered by Italian authorities from INSIDE a private residence in the Santa Teresa area of Anzio, approximately 50 km from Rome.
Given their large size, many of the objects have been temporarily transported to the Museum Villa Adele at Anzio where the larger of them remain outside the museum near its entrance.
No indications, in initial public reports, state when this seizure occurred or in whose private villa the ancient objects were initially sequestered. The large size of the artifacts, which required heavy transport vehicles to deposit them at the entrance of the museum, leave more questions unanswered than answered. how could objects this large be stolen and transported inside a private home without raising any alarm bells along the way?