Tuesday, October 10, 2017 -
C14,conference,illicit trade in antiquities,Switzerland
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Conference - Radiocarbon dating and protection of cultural heritage - C14 Meeting
Organised by: ETH Zurich and University of Geneva, with a support of the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Swiss Commission for UNESCO, Bern
Organizing committee:
Dr. Irka Hajdas, Prof. Hans Arno Synal, Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics ETHZ
Prof. Eric Huysecom and Dr. Anne Mayor Laboratory Archaeology and Population in Africa, University of Geneva,
Prof. Marc-André Renold Art-Law Centre, University of Geneva
Location: ETH Zürich
Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zürich, Switzerland
Workshop Fees: CHF 50.00
Invited speakers (see preliminary program (PDF, 120 KB)) will introduce the problems around the antiquities and illicit art trade. Presentations will be made by representatives of AMS laboratories sharing their experiences and practice in dating antiquities. Allied professionals will explore the market for conflict antiquities and fake conflict antiquities as well as scientific and criminological approaches to looking at ways to combat the illicit trade in antiquities.
For further information the organizers can be contacted here.