Thursday, November 06, 2014 -
art,art security,Bruges,conference,international
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International Conference: Art meets Security December 4 & 5 in Bruges, Belgium
Amsterdam, 3 November 2014
About: Invitation to the symposium on endangered cultural heritage on November 14th Title: Heritage under Attack (voertaal Engels) Dear all, Blue Shield Netherlands and ICOM Netherlands cordially invite you to the Heritage under Attack Symposium on November 14th, 2014 at the Van Braam Houckgeest Barracks in Doorn, from 11:30 to 17:30. The symposium will focus on the protection of cultural heritage during times of war or disasters. In dangerous situations like these, the protection of humans is the first need and priority. However, the destruction or looting of cultural heritage as part of the human identity, is also a loss for human kind. “There is no culture without people and no society without culture.”(UNESCO) The occasion of the symposium is the 60th anniversary of UNESCO’s 1954 The Hague Convention on the protection of cultural heritage in the event of an armed conflict. The Blue Shields attached on buildings, are a result of the Hague Convention. Moderator Louk de la Rive Box guides us through the day. Louk de la Rive Box has a long-term interest in international cultural cooperation, which resulted in being a founding member of the Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development and of its Cultural Emergency Response Program. Two international key note speakers will share there experiences: Samuel Sidibé, director of the Musée National du Mali and Kateryna Chuyeva, Secretary General of the recently established Blue Shield Ukraine. A series of pecha kuchas are given by Dutch experts addressing rescue missions, disaster preparation, illicit traffic of cultural heritage and the army’s role.
Registration and detailed program via: Follow the Heritage under Attack Symposium on Facebook: We hope to welcome you on November 14th, on behalf of the organizing team, With kind regards,
For more information please contact |
The theft went unnoticed for months or even years because the robbers replaced it with a forgery. To this day, no one has been charged with the crime nor have its exact circumstances been established.The Matisse painting was returned to Venezuela in July. The FBI recovered it in 2012 and kept it for two years according to the Miami New Times.
Even the back side of these attached sculptures were finished. |
These sculptures were reacting to the birth of Athena from the head of Zeus which would have been to the right. |
Each reaction is carefully shown in the position of body. |
My favorite -- Aphrodite's reaction to the birth of Athena. |
British Museum, South Metope XXVII: "This is composition- ally one of the most impressive metopes. A centaur pressing a wound in his back tries to escape, while the Lapith restrains him and prepares to deliver a final blow. The Lapith's cloak fans out to provide a dramatic backdrop." |
British Museum, South Metope IV: "The heads of these figures were taken by Capt. Hartmann, a member of the Venetian army that occupied Athens in 1688. They are now in Copenhagen." |
British Museum, South Metope V: "The centaur's head is in Würzburg." |
The trustees record their thanks to Lawrence A. Fleischman for a generous grant to renew this gallery in 1998.
The trustees record their thanks to Barbara G. Fleischman for a generous grant to this gallery in 1998.
Sign thanking L. Fleischman above door. |
Sign thanking B. Fleischman above another door. |
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Chicago's former St. Boniface Catholic Church closed in 1990. Recently slated to become senior housing, the building's latest development has been stalled yet again. |
Hermes #1 |
Hermes #2 |
Hermes #3 |
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View from the lawn of the Louisiana museum